as Root for Self-Development

Self-development and growth cannot be achieved without Education. Since development and poverty reduction require knowledge, skills and creativity, education is a fundamental tool to unleash the potential of the human mind and essential to secure equal opportunities to all. In other words, education remains key to reach equal socio-economic development, improve integration, which, in turn, consolidate social cohesion and coexistence, particularly in a pluralistic country such as Lebanon, where cultural diversity prevails.

If education is key to self-development, growth and success, this implies that education needs to be accessible to all. Meaning that all students should acquire the knowledge and skills they are entitled to, as education has been recognized as a basic human right.
Since inception, Nawraj has invested in ensuring learning for all in a different way.

School Support

Nawraj commitment to Education derives from our determination to keep schools open, specifically in underserved communities in remote areas. Over the years, Nawraj has been engaged in ensuring the necessary means to schools soliciting our urgent assistance.

Notre Dame de la Tour [Deir El Ahmar, Baalbeck] - 2024
Thanks to the Parish of the Viganese Country and to the Creative Workshops of Cevennes and UFV Bois in France, Nawraj was able to finance Notre Dame de la Tour in Deir El Ahmar. The support was dedicated to the fuel expenses to warm up the classrooms.

Sœur Rima Maalouf and Dr. Fouad Abou Nader

AKKAR Schools [Akkar] - 2023

Thanks to the close collaboration between Nawraj and l’Œuvre d’Orient, 336 pupils from 7 schools in Akkar received free school supplies, as a way to support Lebanese families who struggle in these difficult times.

Ras Baalbeck Secondary School [North-East Bekaa Valley]

  • Securing financial aid to cover 131 hours of make-up courses allowing 121 students to complete their academic curriculum and enroll in the Baccalaureate exams (2023-2024)
  • Renovating the municipal stadium benefiting 5 schools, thanks to the support of the German Evangelical Church (2017)
  • Refurbishing a computer lab with 15 desktop computers and screens, thanks to the support of the German Evangelical Church (2016)
  • Distributing food, parcels, medicines and masks during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020)

Equipping Ras Baalbeck Secondary School with a Computer Lab

Rehabilitating Ras Baalbeck municipal stadium

Ras Baalbeck freshly graduates, thanks to make-up courses funded by Nawraj

AQOURA [Jbeil, Mount Lebanon] - 2021
Sainte Famille School

  • Secured 20 teachers’ salaries covering a period of 6 months to prevent the school village to close its doors because of lack of funds.
  • Ensuring the right to access education.
  • Promoting balanced development in remote areas.